Lowe’s Skeleton Project

Today I went to “Lowes” hardware for a Build and Grow craft project. It is ideally geared towards 1st-5th graders but I had a BLAST and there were a few kids younger than me having fun too. I got to use a hammer and nails and follow SIMPLE directions to make a really neat dancing skeleton. They give all the kids a kid sized red Lowe’s apron and safety goggles (TO KEEP!) Each project I complete I get a badge to sew on my apron, or Mommy to sew. I don’t know if you have a Lowes near you but if you do it was very fun. It is TOTALLY FREE! You probably have to sign-up online as space is limited, we lucked out today and there were a few open spaces. They cap it at about 20- 30 kids but I know there are several locations by us. It took a total of about 15 min to do the entire project… and that was 3 year old speed. If mom and/or dad help it would have been done in a few minutes.
I am really looking forward to the next one. They host these events on the 2nd and 4th Saturday at 10am of each month. So the next is on October 25th at 10am.
I have attached a few links for more info as well as signing up! 🙂
Feel free to pass this on to your friends as well!!
List of the upcoming projects through November.


Sign up here to save your space! 🙂

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