Thumbs up from me! 🙂 Our country needs a CHANGE!
I LOVE my sign! 🙂
(As portrayed by Mom & Dad)
Yesterday we did a quick photo shoot for our holiday card pictures. Mommy likes to get a jump on things, especially with being out of town for a few weeks to go to California soon. Mommy got us dressed and we headed to the front yard. Daddy worked his magic with the camera and actually managed to get a BUNCH of great shots. You will have to wait for your holiday card to see the finalist! But here are some of the cute ones that didn’t make the cut! 🙂
Hugging the Emmer-Bemmer!
Yeah… we are cute, what can we say!
I got giggly and kept pulling Emmerson over.
Then I finally paid attention and Emmerson started to cry!
Okay, what’s up with THAT!
Getting frustrated and silly again. I felt the urge to throw grass at Emmer and he just gave me this nasty stare!
And finally, a REALLY cute one of ME! 🙂 I can’t believe tomorrow is HALLOWEEN! This year has flown by!
Last weekend we went to the City of Dunedin’s Halloween Carnival. I had a fun time looking at all the kids dressed up. I didn’t want to play any of the games but i DID want to ride the horse/pony! Go figure!
Come on MOM…this way!!!
Happiness is on a horse…
Giddy up!
Such concentration!
This is FUN!
Then we hit the play-ground for a while until it was costume contest time.
Being cute as usual!
Sure I will come down, when I feel like it!
Time for the contest. I didn’t win. Kind of sad! The little boy two over from me dressed in a STORE BOUGHT Jack Sparrow costume won. Mommy and Daddy felt it was a joke. It was judged by two old ladies who obviously had no clue. My dragon should have won ONE of the three prizes. Oh well, I got candy for participating, so I was happy.
I had also entered a contest at the book store and came in second place. The winner of that was a STORE BOUGHT Jedi! Whatever! 🙂 I LOVE MY COSTUME!
I am learning a bunch of new songs at school. I LOVE to sing.
Here is one we sing in circle-time each day. I guess this is the new “Pledge of Allegiance”??
Today Daddy watched Emmerson so Mommy and I got to go to gymnastics all by ourselves. Mommy could actually take some pictures because she didn’t have to hold Emmerson the entire time.
Stretching and warming up.
PIKE! My teacher (Miss Katherine) always does fun games when we stretch. I had to spread pretend peanut butter on my legs, then jelly on my arms and tummy… then i folded to touch my toes and smoosh the PB and J together! 🙂 What a great idea to get a kid to stretch!
Then we did “butterflies” with our legs. But our butterflies periodically fly out of control and do a “CRAZY FLY!”
Then some balancing on one foot.
I am awesome on the beam but I needed support because I was doing “high kicks”.
I think this is my favorite so far. I walk up the wall like Spider-Man! Mommy is VERY surprised that I haven’t tried this new trick at home yet.
I can finally push up onto the bar.
I can make it all the way across the monkey bars, with a LITTLE help.
Today I tried my first FLIP on the bars!!!