Get Daddy OUT of the TV!!!

So, I freaked out tonight.  Daddy left the house after work and said he didn’t know how late he would be home.  A while later, Mommy had the TV on and there was Daddy!  I melted down and was panicking about getting Daddy out of the TV.  “GET HIM OUT. HELP!!! GET DADDY OUT”   Mommy reassured me all was well, and eventually Daddy came home and I was happy he was out of the TV. (Although he did threaten that if I didn’t behave a little better, he would find a way to get me on TV.)  Daddy said he was at a Clearwater City Council meeting to complain about the fact that they intend on demolishing the restrooms at Woodgate Park.  We think that’s plain stupid and shortsided.  The basketball courts and soccer fields pull in a large crowd and without them, everyone will just pee on a tree.  How dumb.  Anyway, they said they would bring it up in a work session.

(You can see Daddy at The City of Clearwater’s City Council Streaming Video website and look for the March 20, 2008 meeting.  If that doesn’t work, try The main Clearwater Government page and click on “streaming video.” Daddy is in agenda item 6 “Hear from Citizens on items not on the agenda”. Daddy felt foolish and was very nervous – there were hundreds of people at the meeting for other reasons and he was delaying them from talking since they were on the agenda.)

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