Mommy has decided that today is just yucky. She is still exhausted after yesterday and the fish tank stuff. I have been a ball of energy today…. insane energy. I came running up to Mommy and told her I had “poopies”. She whisked me to the bathroom and started gagging. I haven’t seen Mommy gag in ages over a diaper. I didn’t even make it to the changing table… straight to the tub. Mommy got me all clean and she was entering final rinse cycle on me and the water color turned rusty brown. Hmmmm. NOT ME!!!!! NOT ME!!!!
This happens every few years when the city flushes out water lines but Daddy called and they said they weren’t flushing any lines in the area. The city is sending someone out to look at it. In the mean time… it doesn’t smell funky just looks “off”. So we will stick to bottled beverages until it passes or the city tells us we have to boil it all!
It is foggy out and just feels like a gloomy day. Hopefully things will take a turn for the better.