Well today I was cranky again and had the trip-sies again. I was playing with a ball at Gymboree and rolled it between my legs. I looked down to see where it went and planted my head on the ground. I gave myself a nice raspberry bruise on the right side of my head. (Daddy said that is the artistic side.) I just can’t win lately! Daddy thinks some of my trips are because my feet are HUGE now and I insist on walking on my tippy-toes.
Tonight after my bath Mommy was brushing my teeth and discovered that the 3rd point of my first molar came through sometime today. She also found that the molar on the top right side of my mouth has two points through now!
I guess when I get teeth I have a BUNCH at the same time. Mommy & Daddy said that it explains my strange crankiness of late.
Thanks for checking up on my life updates.