I opted to do an extra credit project for biology. I made a giant cookie and the decorated it with various cell parts. The project took me hours but it was worth it.Super pleased with my results.
Forest Ecology and Entomology for 4-H
This weekend was the Forest Ecology Clinic at the Austin Cary Forest in Gainesville. We went up the night before since the contest was so early. We had a great time learning about the plants and trees in the contest. I went with the senior group to learn about Biltmore stick measuring and some of the other senior stations. We learned how to measure tree value and estimated timber yield. We worked on our compass and pacing skills. I showed off my insect collection skills and taught anyone willing to listen about insects. I had quite a following by the end of the day. At insect club we are learning about lifecycles and orders. We played a few games and met the new members of the club. We went off to collect insect for a few horus after the formal meeting. I love our little club.Â
Rick Riordan Book Release for Tyrant’s Tomb
Our new pal Logan and his mom joined us for a day trip to Orlando to attend the Rick Riordan book release. It was an amazing event. We got cool shirts, signed books and a evening of laughter and entertainment. Rick Riordan was so funny. I really love his books and the way he spoke made me want to keep reading. There were little hints at future stories and references to past stories. I was shocked how many older kids were really into it too! Showing off our signed books! Guess I won’t be sleeping tonight!Â
CMERA Sharkless Trip
We had a great day out with CMERA on the boat. We did this trip a year ago and it was awesome. We had a new group of 4-H youth this year and the weather wasn’t really with us. The waves were rough which meant no sharks on the lines. We still had a blast and learned a lot. We got to fish off the back of the boat for bait fish. That was awesome because all you had to do was to drop in a line then reel in a fish! We baited the long lines. The taller youth got to help put out and bring in the long lines. We had fun with remoras that we caught. They actually got tangled in the lines a few times. What a great day! We can’t wait to go back out in April with the crew of CMERA!
My 4-H Family
We had our annual awards banquet this weekend. I was co-MC with the other youth board members. Out Insect club got SPIN of the year 🙂 I also received an emerald clover for my hard work this year. Also the youth leadership award for County Council, I was the VP. Archery has started up with new and old faces. We arrived and the field still wasn’t taken care of so I got to mow. E and I took apart the old server. Steven stayed over for the weekend and we had fun going out for treats.I love Vampire Penguin. Insect hunting at Lake Seminole Park. Then off to a County Council meeting. We had a guest speaker teach us how to make eggs. We all took turns practicing what we learned.