Mommy came home from the hospital on Friday. She, Daddy, and Emmerson Carrington spent the day at the house recovering. On Saturday morning, they came and picked me up from Grandma & Grandpa’s. Over the weekend Grandma Susie came over and we had lots of fun playing.
Here are some of my favorite shots from the past few days…
Giving Emmerson a kiss at the hospital…

I’m SOOO into the new chair. It’s a shared chair. It can hold me or Emmerson. I think it’s fun to sit in too. Mommy and Daddy keep mumbling “regressing” but I’m just having fun!

Sunday morning with Grandma Susie resulted in her taking a really cute picture of me under my bed and playing with the remote to my train! Oh, and ask me where the continents are and some of the states! I’m learning them really quickly!

The Reed Boys lined up. We’re vegging to Scooby Doo and I’m munching on my peanut butter and jelly sandwich (after having an applesauce and a yummy yogurt!)

Emmerson is pretty cool. I like trying to scare him and growling at him like a lion!

Time to trade the camera! Mommy’s turn to be in the picture watching Scooby Doo!

Just my usual goofy self, peanut butter cheeks an all 🙂

Mommy and Daddy make fun of the way I eat, but I have to check out every piece. I eat one bite of everything on my plate and then go back through and do it again.

Ah… the joys of an ice cream cone 🙂 They are just fantastic, but messy so it’s tub time!

Savor the ice cream 🙂