We started back to school this week and I am diving into some harder subjects. I am taking Physics and Latin 2 through FLVS. I will have two college level classes at SPC that start next week. I also am wrapping up Algebra 2. I enjoyed teaching Emmerson some of the new things I was learning in Algebra 2. We took a break mid-week for “Wildlife Wednesday”webinar on sea turtles. We tested a theory that cats will sit in invisible boxes. We were right! Thunder quickly found the invisible box and sat for quite a long time. We had a NOT back to school party for homeschoolers at Airheads trampoline park. I loved the obstacle course and the new climbing walls. We keep getting political flyers in the mail and sat down each day to read them and compare them to the others. We decided who we would vote for just because of the ads! Some were really mean! E is holding one that his a gun and each bullet was a different issue and the last bullet wasn’t labeled but had a line drawn to a photo of President Trump. We all felt this was uncalled for. We looked forward to the mail each day to analyze the next set of campaign ads. We worked on depleting the supply of smoke bombs and leftover fireworks. We painted the driveway with the smoke. We reset up the bird feeders and are doing an observation project for 4-H with the bird and squirrel feeders. Type type typing away for my new college classes. I have to do SO much writing but I am finding out my writing skills aren’t terrible, just slow! I was elected president of our 4-H club Earth Explorers for this year. I hope to be a good leader! We wrapped up our final dive and got certified at Rainbow River with Mr. Keith. E is one dive short but will get it this weekend. The river was cold but we had on wet suits. We saw lots of fish including some rather large gar and a massive soft shell turtle. My highlight was holding shiny muscle shells in front of the fish and watching them nibble at them. I am really enjoying out new adventures under the water!Â