Giant Mulch Project

We took advantage of some spring break time and cooler weather to knock out a huge yard project. We ripped out half of the old play fort, cleaned up all the trees and raked everything out in the back. The front we killed what grass was left and then we started buying jeep loads of mulch. Mom was at 5 trips when we opted to rent a truck to get the last two pallets. They Dad decided we should mulch the back and side yard too which required 3 pallets and a delivery truck. It was a LOT of work but it came out awesome!

February End to March Middle

We have been having a fun time with 4-H and learning about trees, plants and lots more for the upcoming Forest Ecology Contest in April. We also got out to pick 100 quarts to donate during the Hillsborough 4-H Strawberry event at Wish Farms.

We did a fun climate change hike at Weedon Island with Ms. Libby. I am glad that people re still talking about climate change and pushing for action.

Steven stopped by and Anna stopped by for random reasons and we had a little mini show and tell bug club thing happen. I needed that! This was my last archery meeting since I have classes that conflict with the rest of the meetings in March, April and May.

Oh, Mom also got us sun spiders! It was a lucky find at the pet shop! Yay!

Food Drive for 4-H

I have been working on 2 food drives for 4-H projects. The first was for Dunedin Cares and I collected over 600lbs of food that we dropped at the food bank. The other was for SPC. There is a student grab and go station on campus and I was sad that it was empty. I wanted to do something about it so I helped fill it with more donations and some personal purchases. I was happy when it was full!