We recovered from he cruise and dove right back into the real world. I finished taking all my photos for the SPC/Insectathon project. I have a nice rig now for macro photos and learned how to do a lot with the editing software.
We had a calm relaxing Christmas Eve and Day. Grandma Susie came down and hung out for the day. It was a much smaller Christmas this year since we did the cruise and have another cruise the summer to Alaska. The elves made another big mess and used my camera and rig to take butt photos! Silly elves!
I got a lot of cool little gifts like an electronic hedgehog I had to build, Lego sets, some boardgames and books. E the same but he also got a cheese making kit.
Part of our gift was Dive Disney at the Living Seas. We went with a group from Macs Dive Shop. We suited up and learned the rules then were turned loose in the giant fish tank for a long time. Mom and I went all over exploring. Dad and E were exploring as well. It was an amazing experience that I will never forget!