Dad went to Vegas for a work meeting conference. Mom took E and I to Disney for a few nights to enjoy a hotel and the parks. We spent the morning at EPCOT at the Flower and Garden Festival! I loved all the topiaries!
 This is the face that you see when I am in a good mood. This pre-teen thing is rough on my moods so Mom said she likes to see this goofy happy side of me!
We wrapped up at the park and headed to the hotel to play in the giant pool. We had fun on the playground and then headed to swim.
It was such a big pool with a super fun slide. I slipped on the steps getting in and bit down hard. I managed to chip my tooth. So I have a dentist appointment later this week.Â
The blue icee makes the tooth all better!
Oh, that and the endless poolside S’mores!
I entertained the staff for a while as we sucked down a zillion s’mores!
I can roast a perfect marshmallow finally!
On the way home we stopped at Ikea since the traffic was so bad. I remembered I needed to brush my teeth!
Good thing too since I had to go to the dentist in the morning. They fixed up my chipped tooth and also pulled out a fragment of a baby tooth that was left over. I was happy to be rid of that pain too!
We also went to Fossil Fest at the fairgrounds when Dad drove down to Venice to help Grandma and Grandpa with something. I searched for a long time to find just the right things to add to my growing rock and mineral collection.
We took two trips through the fossil pit!
I had quite a good haul!
Oh yeah, time changed. Evil evil evil time change. It is dark outside and I am supposed to be up and functional! This is just mean!