Celebration Station Family Night

Once a year Celebration Station offers a free unlimited outside activities family night. We managed to get tickets this year again for free.

I am finally tall and brave enough to drive the go-carts by myself. Dad drove with Emmerson.


Off I go! I started off slow and steady and I picked up speed as i went on.

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Coming in at the end and I didn’t even drive into the wheels!


We spent a while on the bumper boats.


We even convinced mom to come play. Bad move, she soaked us!


A round of putt-putt and an end to a great family evening.


Blessing Bag Project

Several local homeschooling families all combined efforts and collected items to pass out to the homeless in a project called Blessing Bags.


We organized everything on the table and then got instructions on how to fill our bags.

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We made note cards to cheer people up to add to the bags.


Time to fill the bags.


One of everything around he table. It was hard to make it all fit.

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One of my completed bags.


We will keep the bags in the car and then pass them out to people in need that we see around town.


Volunteering for 4H

We dressed in our halloween costumes and headed down to Arden Court.


We met some amazing elderly people with altzimers. One man, Captain Dan, was an ex Blue Angel pilot. IMG_2953 IMG_2949

We played balloon with the residents.


Then we had a costume parade and trick or treated. They would give candy to the residents for them to pass to the kids.


We had a great time putting a smile on the faces of the residents.


Young Eagles Flight

Young Eagles was super crowded this time but I managed to get a flight. I was lucky that they let me fly with Mr. Bruce again. He totally gets me and lets me take over once we take off.





Another beautiful day and successful flight! Young Eagles is such an amazing program and I am really glad that we stumbled upon it. I can’t wait for Emmerson to be old enough to fly as well.