We signed up at the last minute for the Regional Gathering through MENSA. It was local in Oldsmar so we just went for the kids programs one day. Most of the kids programs took place in a hotel room which was a little strange. We started with a bone scavenger hunt.
Apparently I was being loud in this photo as Emmerson has my mouth covered.
We made hopscotch outside.
After I finished mine game I went over and helped a few of the younger kids to draw their boards.
We made salt dough owls. The owl is a MENSA character.
They had a bearded dragon breeder come in and talk about the lizards. We got to feed them all sorts of bugs and critters.
We carved watermelons that were supposed to go down for lunch and be on display but that was unorganized and fell through.
More lizards. This was a frilled lizard eating a tomato hornworm.
We did a very large scavenger hunt.
My smile.
Someone I love.
a Chewed leaf.
A pretty flower.
Something cold.
There was also an animal show by Lowry Park Zoo.
They brought a singing dog.
And something related to an anteater.
We drilled a hole in the watermelon later on that day.
Inserted a hanger attached to a drill and made watermelon juice.
I didn’t like it.
Our last big event was launching rockets that we made earlier in the day. I was the minimalist and only had a ribbon attached to mine. It went SUPER high!