There is a huge hurricane heading our way. They have canceled the public schools so I don’t get to start my gifted class just yet.

So, since we had no plans we had to quickly find things to do. We went to the paint-your-own pottery store and picked up a to go box just in case the weather is really bad. Daddy was on call for the shelter for communications if they had to open. We planned a lot of things we could do with out power.

I drew a really nice map and Mommy labeled it with the storms project path.


The storm took a turn away from our area so we opted to go to the spray ground. We were the only ones there.


Then we headed to Honeymoon Island but it was closed because of the storm threat. We opted to take a walk on the Dunedin Causeway. It was a bit windy but we had a fun time.


Exhausted and salty from the wind, we came home to work on that pottery.


Back to School

Well, our homeschool term has officially come to a screaming start. The weather had been incredibly wet so we are having to so a lot of indoor activities but don’t worry. Mommy has our plate full of fun.

Today we made sculptures of modeling clay.

I made all sorts of trinkets.


I liked watching them bake.


We made a volcano out of old yuckie playdoh.


We made it erupt with baking soda and vinegar.



Then we added dinosaurs and tried to recreate their extinction.



Nothing like history while laying on the kitchen chairs. Boy am I glad I homeschool!


Bad Choices

Mommy repeatedly told me to not go down the slide upset down on my back at the spray ground. She said I would get hurt. Well, I should have listened.


Later the same day I was practicing my yo-yo and trying to learn “Around the World” and my yo-yo broke off my finger and smashed into my ceiling fan and my yo-yo broke the lighting sconce. Not ME, but my yo-yo did it!
