Easter 2011

I got some good gifts from the Easter Bunny. I LOVE my new jump rockets and sticker books.


I even had some eggs filled with candy and a few more filled with MONEY!


We had a super fun Easter egg hunt in the yard. The Easter Bunny was VERY tricky!


I found all my eggs and filled my entire bucket.


Helping in the Garden

Tonight we helped Daddy work in the garden. Some of the potato plants got too wet and started to die off. We had to deconstruct the boxes and try to save what we could. We planted all new sweet potatoes for the new crop.


Purple potatoes and fingerlings.


All cleaned up and ready for dinner for Monday night!


We also harvested some celery, pole beans, snap peas and a super small cauliflower.


Day Before Easter Fun

We had a fun day that started with an easy morning at home. We went to Ace Hardware for their kids craft and found out it was actually an Easter Egg Hunt in the garden center. I found about 30 eggs. I was so happy.

Afterwards we went over to Grandma Jo and Grandpa Howie’s church and had some Easter fun and games. I played lots of games and won lots of prizes. grandma Jo was doing face painting. I picked a tiger!


After seeing my face complete I was SO happy!


We did a few crafts.


After the crafts was the egg hunt. I only got three eggs but one egg won me a ‘golden ticket” prize and I picked a really cool wrist water game.

We came home and washed off the paint (I was super sweaty and the color was washing off all over). We all went to Taco Bus for a yummy dinner. When we got home we colored eggs! Mine are the ones on the bottom.


Our New Pet

Someone in the neighborhood is feeding it so it keeps coming around the area. Whenever we pull in the driveway with the minivan it flies in almost instantly! Emmerson was able to walk up to it and pet it the other day. I like to chase it so it doesn’t think we are friends. It is too trusting! I liked him better when he ate the brown invasive lizards in the yard.

(This picture was taken without any zoom!)
