Today we went, as a family, to the Asheville Health Adventure. I really had a blast last time and was so excited to go again. We bought season passes so we can go every time we visit! They have different exhibits that travel through the museum. This time they had “Grossology”. It was all about bodily functions! EWWWW!
Daddy helped me shoot pollen and other irritants into a but nose! I also go to make a burp and see how vomit happens. Kinds gross! But then again, it is GROSSOLOGY!
After Emmerson’s nap, Mommy took us outside to play. We rolled big balls in the snow and made a family of snow-people!
Daddy was trying to get a cute picture and suddenly…
I burst out singing YMCA! Y…
C…. ah nevermind!
Having a snowball fight with Mommy!
Mommy got pelted a few times.
Then I made my own snow creature. It started out as a snowman but I didn’t like it.
I was just not happy with the size of the body and head.
Daddy said it looked like it had a strange waste line.
Mommy Snow-person
Daddy Snow Person
Breighton Snow-person
Emmerson Snow-person
My creation. I was making it into a snowman… but I didn’t like it.
Checking out my special branch from the hike the other day!
I decided I wanted to take it home!
Then I disassembled my snow-person and then it was “The biggest ball of slug poopie in the WORLD!” Aren’t you glad you saw it here on my blog!!!
FYI Later the Slug Poopie became an experiment (alien) complete with about 10 pine cones shoved into it!