In Poland they do their Independence Day Celebration early. We went to a strawberry festival at the local church and then walked over to get a god spot for the parade. We stopped along the way at the big hill to roll for a bit and burn off the sugar from the snacks.
We discovered that I am rolling impaired. I start out just fine, then go sideways and then roll right back UPHILL! Hmmm. All the other kids were going down, and I was going UP! Silly me!
We got a fantastic spot for the parade and sat and waited for a bit.
Emmerson kept chewing on his shoes so I had to do the same thing. Who is the copy croc now??
This silly lady was a Civil War reinactor. She was on her cellphone. It made Mommy giggle! 🙂
I hear the sirens. The parade is coming!
THIS IS LOUD! There were about 50+ firetrucks all full siren! UGH!
This man was VERY tall!
Watching all the soldiers was fun.
I liked the Army Jeep.
Grandma Susie helping me get ready to catch candy.
Having a snack before the next group of trucks.
COOL! The space shuttle.
My stash!!!
One last crack at this darn hill before we head home.
Nope, still incapable of rolling down-hill.