Checking out the fountain. I didnt want to throw many pennies in today because I decided to save them for my piggy bank.
Being silly with Mommy and Emmer-Bemmer!
I found a baby bunny!
Checking out the gardens.
This is the Pixie Hollow play area/garden. It was really fun!
I was running in slow motion looking for flowers that fell off the bushes. Mommy said I couldn’t PICK any off the plants but if I found them on the ground they were fair game!
I loved this HUGE butterfly topiary!
My BIG flower! 🙂 It was as big as my head!!
So handsome! 🙂
GiGi enjoying her birthday.
Beautiful blue butterfly. I enjoyed looking at the butterfly chrysalis section and seeing all the butterflies hatching.
Coloring a planter.
Enjoying one of many playgrounds. This one was shaped like a HUGE caterpillar!
I enjoyed climbing and climbing some more!
But never too early to start hitting the stair master!
Showing Emmer-Bemmer how to make noise! 🙂
Swinging with a pretty girl.
Catching air! Jumping down! 🙂
Okay, we were hungry too! But I didn’t want to eat much… really nothing at all. I was a bit whiney all day! 🙁
Grandma Jo being silly! 🙂
Emmerson, Mommy, ME, GiGi, Grandma Jo and Grandpa Howie enjoying the pretty flowers.
Nothing like a water fountain to help cool off on a HOT spring day! 🙂
I was showing Emmerson the ropes! 🙂