Well, I think giving up the binki wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. The first day I refused to nap. That night I went to bed in about 30 minutes. Here is my cool new train. It goes “round and round”. My dinosaurs attacked the train and wanted to ride it too!
The Binki Fairy set it up in the living room.
THe Binki Fair, Mommy and Daddy made a neat Lego tunnel.
Watching the train go round and round.
Total JOY with the new traina nd by big boy self! 🙂
Look MOMMY a binki free day!
We have had a few battles but I give up and go to sleep. I was only using my binkis at nap and night night so it wasn’t TOO bad to give them up. I do try everynight to negotiate with Mommy. I kep telling her “Call the Binki Fairy and tell her bring back my BINKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS I don’t like TRAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINS!!!!!!!” But Mommy just tucks me in and hugs me and leaves the room. She doesn’t seem to want to talk about it! Go figure!?