Playground KING!

So this week I have been double dipping in the playgrounds. Mommy has been trying to get me out at least once a day to a playground since the weather is SOO wonderful right now. Not to mention that I have been having a SUPER week working on my social skills. My second molars are finally through 100%! My attitude is improving and I am hitting, pushing and biting WAY less. I am learning how to hang with the big kids and lead with the smaller ones. Mommy said she is nearly stress free when we are around other kids… FINALLY!

I even tried the BIG kid swing… the correct way!


Feet first tummy slides on HOT slides really BURN your tummy!


Ethan and I were racing down but Mommy couldn’t get a picture. Only a few more playtimes and Ethan will be gone, BOO HOO!


Checking in on Emmerson while I got a sippy drink. I love my little bro!


This week I have actually been sitting on the potty again. I have gotten pee-pee in the toilet several times now! But as for the poopies… not so much. I know when I have to go, I can tell… I know I can. I just grab my tush and deny that I have to go.


The other night we went to the neighborhood playground to hit the tennis courts. Mommy made me run wind sprints… just kidding!


Daddy really wanted to teach me how to hit the ball.


I enjoyed rolling it between his legs more!


Finally I gave up and took a few swings.


Then I was off to look for “nature” and “bugs”!


Daddy and I were playing chase…


I was close behind…


There, i got him!


This morning I was being silly and Mommy said to balance a Fruit Loop on my nose… that was fun! I was laying them on Mommy’s leg and she was flipping them up and catching them and eating them. I don’t think I have laughed that hard in a few days!


After my nap today I went to the playground with Emmerson and Mommy. We met up with one of Mommy’s friends and she brought her three kids. Two older boys (6 & 8 ) and Sammy (3). Sammy and I had a total blast playing together. I enjoyed playing with the older kids too (Max and Jacob). We took a break from playing so I could show off Emmerson.


Sammy’s attention to me faded when Emmerson came out. Oh well. I got her attention back when Emmerson started crying. I really had a BLAST with my new friend.


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