Mommy’s Brain Was Eaten By Aliens…

Mommy has totally lost her mind, I certainly hope it is not hereditary. She assures me it is called “baby brain” and that only girls get it. Something to do with the fact that when I was in Mommy’s tummy I sucked part of her brain and now my baby brother is sucking what little I left Mommy with for reserves.

Proof: Last night Mommy read the hours of MGM as open until 1am… well they closed at 8pm. Woops! It didn’t effect our trip over but it was certainly odd trying to figure out why the park was empty!!!

Proof #2: Mommy can’t compose sentences and it totally scatter brained. Just in general.

I miss my smart Mommy!

I am having a fun trip and will get to do more blogging when we get home and get the pictures downloaded and all that jazz. I have really enjoyed: carriage rides, Very Merry Christmas Party, Dumbo ride, Spinning dinosaur ride, watching everyone win me stuffed animals, a HUGE bowl of spaghetti, pretending to drive the golf cart, collecting pine cones with Grandma Susie and SO much more!

Stay tuned for a full update in a few days!

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