Well, the first point on my first second-molar (is that confusing to read??) is almost through. I am a total pill. I still go from happy to mega-cranky in 2.1 seconds! It is driving Mommy & Daddy nuts so I am enjoying it! In between my cranky episodes Mommy & Daddy said I am very cute and sweet. Some of the fun things Mommy can help me recall from this week:

1) Picking leaves, flowers and weeds to feed to a ceramic frog that is out front of the house. I also gave the from a few sticks to play with.

2) Laying on the sofa next to Mommy with my hand on her tummy and telling my baby brother it is time to come out and play! I also like to give him zerberts! (only about 9 weeks and he will be here, YEAH!)

3) Taking off my pajama bottoms 3 nights in a row and insisting that the sippy cup got them wet… Mommy said thank-goodness I didn’t remove the diaper!

4) Making pancakes and cookies with Daddy… I like to stir.

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