My fish tank has been making a funny popping noise for several days. Mommy has been just sitting in front of the tank looking in and trying to figure it out. Tonight Daddy was changing the tank fan and accidently dropped a screw into the tank, OOPS! Luckily, when Mommy & Daddy were looking for the screw they found the source of all that popping. It was a Mantis Shrimp. Mantis Shrimp are known as “thumb-splitters” and have been known to actually shatter glass tanks with their snapping claws. As Grandma Jo can say… are HARD to get out of the live rock.
Mommy and Daddy made me sit in my crib and I heard a lot of fussing and then a LOT of cheering and screaming. They dunked a piece of live rock into less salty water and the little bugger came wiggling out. GO MOMMY & DADDY! No more popping in the tank (at least not right now??) and my parents still have all their fingers.
Here is a picture taken from the website for TampaBay Saltwater where the rock came from. My shrimp was more blue and colorful but you can see the general idea. Ugly aren’t they??