The Bi-Polar Vegetarian… or is it Bi-Polar Carnivore?

On the way home from VPK:

“Mommy, Daddy, why do people kill animals in Australia?”

Mommy and Daddy are perplexed and ask “what type of animals are we talking about?”


Mommy and Daddy explain how Kangaroos can be used like cows – to produce meat for people to eat.

“People shouldn’t eat meat. I don’t want to eat meat anymore. No one should eat meat.”

I continue to express my absolute conviction to being a vegan.

Mommy and Daddy explain how that’s just fine, but we’ll have to make sure we eat a wide range of proteins to get the right essential amino acids.

Less than 1.5 miles after my absolute conviction that the world should change and all eating of meat should stop….

“Mommy, Daddy, does steak have lots of amino acids?”

They responded that it does.

“Never mind. I want to eat steak. Steak, Mangos, and Nutella. Thank you!”

So, I’m either a bi-polar vegetarian or a bi-polar omnivore, with a carnivorous focus on nice steaks.

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