We are having fun in the archery program. Dad is the coach and he does a good job with all the kids. I have taken a break from my compound bow this season and am shooting with Mom’s recurve. I am trying to build up my confidence a little bit more. We ducked out to go to Disney and enjoy some rides in the middle of the week.
We were all exhausted and headed home to finish up some school.
More 4-H on a chilly day. We learned about a lot of different types of fish, how to clean a pole and about where the best places to look for fish are.
This pier on this day was NOT one of those good places to find fish. We all game up quickly and hope our next meeting is a bit luckier!
Off to Gainesville again for another 4-hprogram. This weekend was archery in Newberry. We stayed at Oleno State Park in High Springs. It was a beautiful campground along the Santa Fe river.
During the hurricanes in 2011 the water covered this swimming bridge!
We stopped off at the Santa Fe Teaching Zoo to see the animals. The peacocks were still as snotty as before.
The gibbons has been in back enclosures while their pens were fixed up and this was their first day out in a few weeks. They were noisy and hilarious!
The archery tournament started out cold. We staked our claim in the field and awaited the start. I went off by myself and Mom went with Emmerson.
We saw each other a few times when the lanes got close.
E got 1st in his group.
So did I! I beat all the people standing next to me! Opps! I was the only one in my bow class. odd!