Truckee, California

We have landed in the mountains with green trees, water and peacefulness. We are staying at Truckee River RV park and it is very nice. We have grass outside of the camper and there are LOTS of birds to lay in the grass and watch. We saw Uncle Matt and he helped us celebrate adding California to our state map.


We dropped Dad off at the Reno airport so he can fly home for work. We got the truck washed and ran a few errands in Reno and then spent part of the day at a place called The Discovery. It is a hands of all ages science museum.

We saw a trout hatchery in the tanks. They will release them into the Truckee River in a few weeks.

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We practiced weaving fake baskets.


We explored all the history of the area.


There was a lot of technology and we had a great time playing, building and exploring.


I made a cool airplane while multitasking watching a 3D printed make a tiny cupcake!



We have lots of plans for this area and will update in a week or so as the internet at the campground isn’t the best. We are borrowing signal from Uncle Matt to upload everything! 🙂

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