It was cold and drippy but our last day in Asheville so we went out to see more nature. The Nature Center was EMPTY. We watched the otters play like they had never had attention from people before. They kept swimming over to us and doing all sorts of flips and tricks.

We were shocked to see more animals than normal. Being chilly and wet I was surprised to see anyone out of their nice warm enclosures.

Even the white wolves were right up at the fences of their enclosures.

Since last time we came they have installed a huge spider climbing area.

We warmed up in the center looking at items under the microscope projectors.

We stopped back by the otters to watch them get fed lunch. We learned a lot from the staff member doing the feeding. Only two other people were there to watch so we really got to ask a lot of questions.

Yummy? Maybe to an otter!

After the Nature Center we stopped by the mall so I could jump a little before we headed to the hour to pack up the car for tomorrows departure.