Cub Creek Science Camp- Week 1 Monday through Thursday Update

The second night of camp they do something called a Dutch Auction. Basically you bring up random things for points. It is a very silly game. It took us a while to find a photo of B. Just found him running away in the long sleeve gray shirt.


Not exactly sure what is going on here but he appears to maybe be making a ball of sorts?


It was Wacky Hair day at camp which explains the wig of the girl next to him.


Making a perler bead creation, aka melty beads.


This is pretty much the look of frustration since I know how much he struggles when they get bumped around.


Early morning photo.




B must have taken a dip netting class. He always catches the most amazing things. He really has an eye for it. The girls seem intrigued!



Awaiting part of the ropes course. Not sure which part he accomplished but glad he is expanding himself and trying something new. He is really driven but he beads that the kids can earn at camp.


A camp favorite called “Circle of Life” where they bring around animals for the kids to see. No fear of snakes!

We did find out that B is taking for his two courses. Course one is Amazing Animals, the kids get up close and personal with all the camp animals. He is also taking Crime Science. We have sent daily letters and care packages to camp. Hope he is enjoying himself!

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