Blueberry Picking with Friends

Mommy planned a nice day out with some of my good friends. We picked them up and drove up to Hudson to Brenda’s Blueberry Barn for a morning of picking berries. I had a great time picking and sampled a few, but not too many. I kept hearing gunshots. Apparently, that is how they scare away the birds that are trying to land in the fields and eat the berries. There was a man across the street with a shotgun and one on the property where we were. I got used to it after a while.


I found out that the other people that were picking were too tall and never bent down to look low. I managed to find a ton of BIG berries this way.


We picked and picked but the buckets didn’t seem to fill up!


Finally all done. Emmerson and I (with a bit of Mommy’s help) picked just about 4 pounds!


We brought them home and cleaned them up and had a nice after lunch treat!

Language Lessons

For one of my language lessons today I had to address an envelope. I was super excited to learn how to address one and I wanted to send a Mother’s Day card to Grandma Susie in Ohio. I think I did a great job. My handwriting is finally starting to get better.


I was so excited to get it out in todays mail. So excited I forgot my pants! haha